Using Your Credit Card for Prepaid Purchases

If you’d like to purchase all your prepaid essentials by use of your credit card, Prepaid24 has the perfect solution for you!

If you wish to buy your prepaid products with your credit card, you can make use of the Prepaid24 SmartFund facility. You can add funds to your SmartFund with a credit card payment through PayFast and then use the available credit to purchase all your Prepaid24 products & vouchers.

During the past 10 years, PayFast has facilitated credit card payments with great success for countless companies and have become a household name in the online payment space.

Please note that PayFast levies a 4% fee for the processing of all credit card transactions. This fee will be added to you SmartFund top-up payments.

Should you want to use an EFT to buy, you can either pay with an Instant EFT via Ozow or EFT Payment.

You can set up your SmartFund by clicking on "Set Up" in the SmartFund panel of the Manage page in your MyPP24Profile:

Set Up SmartFund Facility